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About me x

For those who don't know me, grab yourself a cuppa & get comfy...
I'm Lucy; AKA mummy, mum & occasionally poo poo head.

I'm 24, going on 90 & I live with my 'childhood sweetheart' (9 years & still no ring), Sean + our little boy, Cian, in Cambridgeshire, UK.

I love family time, photography & planning home projects for my already overworked partner.

I've always been very talkative, so since I no longer leave my house much, I've become one of those social media over sharers.
[Reason #1 for starting a blog]
My partner is the complete opposite & hates social media, so doesn't get it. At. All!

Parenting & running a home, are at times, challenging, right?! Now throw chronic illness into the mix & you've got reason #2 I decided to start a blog.

In March 2013, I first became chronically ill (more on that coming soon), just before falling pregnant.
Since becoming ill, having Cian, buying a house etc; I've gained an amazing support network online... Without said network, especially in those early days, I genuinely don't know how I would have coped.

Now I'm in a position where I'm looking to provide the support & knowledge for other people that I either received, or could have done with receiving, thus far.
Reason #3...

I'm a firm believer of keeping it real (plus like I said, an over sharer), so I'll be sharing the highs & lows, good & bad & basically just being as honest & transparent as possible.

As well as the things mentioned above, I also love chocolate a little too much; using brackets (in case you hadn't already noticed); & being organised- list central in my house!

I hope you enjoy this little insight into my imperfectly perfect world... Whilst chronic illness plays a huge part in my day-to-day life, so will always be a large part of my blog, it will never define me & nor will it ever be the sole content of Home, Parenting & M.E.
Aside from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (I definitely didn't just Google the spelling), Endometriosis, Chronic Migraines & Anxiety, I am also, & always will be, a mum/partner/friend/sister/daughter/auntie etc

If you've made it to here, I'm amazed. Thank you!
Pretty please feel free to comment below, share, follow me on Instagram or even drop me an email. 
Your feedback is very much appreciated & I'd love to hear from you!

See you soon,


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